Law of Ideas
To enjoy what God has provided we must first understand how the kingdom of God operates. Let’s say a man has a possession and he shares that possession. Now the two have divided ownership and neither one truly owns the possession. This is the way of the material world. No one truly owns anything. You may think you have ownership, but you may lose it or when you’re gone someone else will possess it.
But what if you have an idea and you share that idea. Sharing the idea doesn’t lessen it. All of it is still yours although all of it has been given away. Furthermore, if the one to whom you give the idea accepts it as his own, he reinforces it in your mind and thus it increases. Thoughts increase when given away. The more who believe in them the stronger the thoughts become.
Everything that exits in mind starts with an idea. This idea turns into thought which turns into expression. This is called the “Law of Mind Action.” Selfishness is not about giving; it is about possessing. But those who are selfish don’t understand the truth that we can’t possess what we don’t give away. This is why we desire more and more.
Because what we possess materially is never really owned. The material is temporal and is only possessed for a short time plus it never increases. I had a friend who use to say that we own nothing, and he would say “have you ever seen a U-Haul behind a hearse?” Only that which is eternal can really ever be possessed forever.
The Spirit is all about giving and to Spirit getting is meaningless because the Spirit needs nothing. It has everything. Everything came from Spirit. The Spirit or kingdom of God has everything and holds on to everything by giving it, and thus creates as the Father created. This may sound alien to most, but it is how the Spirit of God is increased in the material world. Take for example the spirit of love. You can give this idea to another, and they can wholly own it just as you wholly own it. And when the one you give your love to accepts that love it reinforces the idea of love in your mind and thus love increases. Only in Spirit does anything increase but in the world all we see is decrease.
The downside of the Law of Idea is that the ideas of sin, sickness, pain, worry, hate, etc., can also be increased with the sharing of these ideas. This is why the world is at the Pigpen. The world is all about sharing selfish ideas.