The Mind
In the spiritual consciousness as in the physical consciousness there exists three (3) states consciousness:
- Super-consciousness – mind consciousness; the Christ-consciousness, Spiritual-consciousness, or Truth-consciousness
- Sub consciousness – soul consciousness; or memory
- Consciousness– body consciousness, which includes sense-consciousness, material-consciousness and personal-consciousness.
The Super-conscious mind is the source of unlimited ideas. Ideas that are eternal. This is the tree of life. The conscious mind is the source of limited ideas. Ideas that are temporal. Temporal is relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs – secular having no spiritual basis. This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In biblical terms conscious thoughts are the “Pagans” (thoughts of materialism) and the “Jews” (thoughts of spiritualism).
Are you starting to see why God was not pleased with Adam (Like-mind) partaking in the knowledge of good and bad? To fully understand these concepts, you must have a physical experience. A physical experience puts you at odds with God. The material world idea was not first in the mind of God. It is just an aftereffect of His spiritual ideas.
As I mentioned before, love is a spiritual idea. It can be expressed with a hug or a kiss, but the hug or kiss is temporal. It doesn’t last. It is an after effect. The memory of the kiss may last for a while, but it too will fade. Unlike the idea of love that lasts eternally. Think of heaven as the idea of love and the earth as the expression of love. If the expressed love idea is not continually conveyed, it will eventually fade away. This was the condition of the early thought-forms. As long as the early thought-forms stayed in the spiritual consciousness, they were continuously bathed in inspiration as were Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.
Man, on earth, was to continue to express the spiritual idea but over time this expression became less and less. Once the spiritual stops being expressed in the physical or material the physical and material will to cease to exist. Remember the earth gets its source from the Divine Mind, just as it gets its source of energy from the sun. Once the sun is gone so goes the earth. This was known by God in the beginning and why from time-to-time great leaders, like Abraham, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, and Jesus, just to name a few, have shown up in the world to give it a spiritual boost. If not, Spirit-man would be lost forever. If man continues to be material minded and not spirit minded, he will eventually cease to exist. Remember, what the Father has planted will be all that remains.
What little spiritual-ness man has will be expressed over and over until it’s recycled out of existence. Material Consciousness will prevail, and spiritual consciousness will cease. Even now man has watered down true spiritual-ness to the point that it’s barely recognizable. From dust he was formed and to dust he will return.
In other words, man came from nothing and to nothing he will return. Remember man was formed not created. Only that part in man which God has planted, man’s spirit of good, which is eternal, will return to its source – God. The good has always existed with God. That part of man’s mind that is good will always remain. Remember, Jesus only took the good thief back with him to Paradise.
Good will remain and bad or evil will cease to exist. If you continue to choose the earth over heaven, the material over the spiritual, the temporal over the eternal and the bad over good then you choose wrongly and now you will surely die. The knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of God and not God which becomes a lesson in function and dysfunction. You could say that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the tree of truth and error. The Like-mind chose to learn first-hand what is of God and what is not of God. Eventually those things not of God become those things of man and leads to his downfall.