Heaven (the invisible universe)

Heaven (the invisible universe)

His disciples said to him, “When will the kingdom come?”  Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it.  It will not be a matter of saying ‘here it is’ or ‘there it is.’ Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”  Gospel of Thomas v.113

  In Genesis chapter one, the Like-mind is in a spiritual state – heaven.  Heaven is the first reality of being and the plane of pure ideals.  In the spiritual state the Like-mind is at-one with God and as the scripture tells us this spiritual state is “good.”  In God’s Divine Mind all is good and very good there are no exceptions (Genesis chapter one).  The Like-mind is therefore perfect and good.  God is the God of perfection, He is not the God of chance, accidental, possibility or probable.  No, God is the God of absolutes.

  In chapter two of the book of Genesis the Like-mind begins to enter the earth consciousness or the expressed or manifested spirit.  This is why it seems that there are two creations, one in chapter one and one in chapter two.  However, God in Divine Mind, only creates once – Law of One.

  In scripture it may appear that God is creating step-by-step, but this is Moses’ way of trying to explain creation to a group of people whose minds are filled with limited imagination.  All of God’s creations happen simultaneously just as all of God’s creations are still today happening at the same time.  The grass continues to grow, and the sun continues to shine.

  God’s original creation of good still exists we just don’t see it and the reason we don’t see it is because that it exists in reality (spirit) and man has fallen asleep and is no longer awake and aware of the spiritual consciousness.  Man pictures the seen or non-reality as his reality and tries to describe heaven in material and physical ways.  This proves that man is now more the Natural-man or Carnal-man.  But this does not mean that the Spiritual-man (Like-mind) no longer exists.  Remember the Like-mind is and will always be an extension of the Divine Mind.

  In the Law of Mind Action first comes idea then its expression or manifestation.  Chapter one of Genesis is God’s idea of creation and chapter two is the expression or manifestation of that idea.  Once this idea has been expressed it doesn’t mean that the original idea ceases to exist.  The idea still exists in mind.

  In the first chapter of Genesis, it says that God creates man.  To “create” is to bring into existence from that which does not previously exist.  God creates in mind or in the spirit of unseen – the invisible.  Scripture says that God creates man in His image (Genesis 1:27) – the image of Spirit.  Man, first exists only in God’s mind or in spirit – heaven.  Remember the Law of Mind Action.  Man, first exits as only an idea.

  In chapter two it says that God “forms” man (Genesis 2:7).  Form means the visible shape or configuration of something.  Through the Law of Mind Action, the Man-idea in chapter two is expressed or formed in the visible – the seen.  It is said of man that God created the body of man from “the dust of the ground” or from the seen elements or from the same elements that manifested the earth.

  An idea exists in mind and depending on how this idea is interpreted through thought, is how it is expressed.  With what spirit or most prominent mental or moral character you entertain in your thoughts will determine the expression of your idea.  Therefore, there may only be one Truth but through our individual thoughts and ideas there are many interpretations of Truth.  And equally said, there are many ideas of God.

  The grass keeps growing, the sun keeps shining and the world keeps turning.  However, man does sleep and in fact has continued to sleep from the time a deep sleep came over Adam (Genesis 2:21).

  But unfortunately for man nowhere in the Bible does it say that Adam (mankind) ever awakened from his slumber.  If you don’t believe we are asleep then read what the spirit of Christ says to the churches:

“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up!” Rev 3:1-2